Featured Piece: Gold Heart

None of us are a stranger to how age can break down a beloved item, even when it’s made from strong metals and gemstones. This is why remodeling has become such as important part of goldsmith work—by using the materials from an old, broken piece of jewelry or...

Feature Piece: Mabe Pearl Earrings

Take a second to think about the jewelry or gemstones you haven’t worn for a long time. 2019 is the year for you to have these pieces redesigned into something perfect you’ll love to wear. It’s too often we hear about jewelry being packed away and forgotten due to...

Feature Piece: Redesigning an Heirloom

Some of our favorite projects are working with customers to redesign or refresh their vintage/heirloom items. Time can take a toll on old jewelry, but luckily experts like our goldsmiths can refurbish the piece so it looks brand new! Or, in some cases, a piece just...